Add Corrections

You can add individual correction tasks or add correction tasks as a group to workflow tasks.

  1. Open the Corrections window. For more information, see Open the Corrections Window.
  2. Click Add to open the Add Corrections panel.

  1. Select the Add Correction Group option to add a group of corrections, or select the Add Corrections option to add corrections individually.

A text box displays once you select an option.

  1. Click in the drop-down list to populate a list of individual correction tasks or a group of correction tasks. The list filters when you begin typing the group or correction name in the box.

  1. Select the group(s) or correction task(s) you want to add and click the save icon.

The newly added correction task(s) or correction task group(s) appear in the results.

  1. Click Add to close the Add Corrections box.

NOTE: From here you can also include additional information on a correction task, remove a correction task, or complete a correction task. For more information, see Use Comments on Corrections, Delete Corrections, and Complete Corrections.

For an explanation of the Corrections panel fields, see Correction Fields.


Last updated 4/9/2019.

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