Create a Case


  • A case template must be created by your administrator. See Add a Case Template in the PLL Admin for 15.4 Guide for more information.

Once a case template is created, you can create a new permit, business license, or code enforcement from the Create New panel.

  1. To create a new case, open the Create New panel on the main toolbar.

NOTE: You can add a menu item to the main toolbar to easily access the Create New page using the Configure the Cityworks Toolbar in Designer for 15.4 Guide, or enter CWPermit/UF/Case/Page/CreateCase.aspx after your site's name in your browser's URL.

TIP: For a help video on this subject, see Create a New Case on MyCityworks. For a quick start guide, see Create a PLL Case on MyCityworks.

  1. Begin typing in the Type field to generate a filtered list of case types, or click the CaseType Lookup icon to open a selection window.
  • Select a case type, and click Select.

  1. If your organization uses sub types, select a Sub Type in the same manner as you did the Type. If the case type selected does not have any sub types associated to it, the Sub Type field is unavailable.

NOTE: See Case Types and Sub Types: Two-Tier Template Organization on MyCityworks for more information.

  1. If you want the case tied to a specific project, begin typing in the Project Code field to generate a filtered list of projects, or click the Lookup Project Code icon to open a selection window.
  • Select a project, and click Submit.

  1. Enter an address in the Location field and click the Locate button to the right. This geolocates the address and populates the X and Y coordinates. For more information, see Geocode a Location.

NOTE: If the Location field on the Main panel is empty and a user adds a geolocated address in the Add Address panel, the Location field is populated on the Main panel when the case is saved.

  1. A Tag is a name for an individual case. Entering a tag is not required, but can be useful in tracking and organizing large projects that comprise many different cases.
  2. Enter the login ID of the person who will accept the case in the Accepted By field, or use the Lookup icon to select an employee using a selection window.
    • Select an employee, and click Submit.

  1. The Accepted Date is automatically populated with the current date. However, the date can be changed by clicking the calendar icon.
  2. Enter the desired number of cases you wish to create in the Case Count field. If this field is left blank, only one case is created.
  3. Select the Case Per Asset check box, if desired. This check box is used in conjunction with the Case Count field.

If the Case Per Asset check box is selected, Office for PLL creates the number of cases indicated in the Case Count field per each address. For example, if there is a 4 in the Case Count field and the Case Per Asset check box is selected, four cases are created for each address. For more information on addresses, see Add an Address.

  1. Select the Skip Intake check box if you want to skip the Application Input page and move directly to the Summary page.

NOTE: The Cityworks administrator has the ability to hide this check box as well as make it selected by default for the end user. See Add a Case Template in the PLL Admin for 15.4 Guide for more information.

  1. Click Create Case to proceed to the Application Input page.

To complete the process of creating a case, see Application Input Page or Summary Page depending on how the template is set up by your administrator.

NOTE: For an explanation of the Create New panel fields, see Create New Panel Fields.


Last updated 4/9/2019.

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