Special Characters

Special characters can be added to a comment to format text to have a certain look.




*bold text*

bold text


_italic text_

italic text


+underlined text+

underlined text


-strikethrough text-

strikethrough text


^superscript text^

superscript text


~subscript text~

subscript text


h1. Largest Heading

Largest Heading

Must be at the beginning of the line and followed by a space.

h2. Larger Heading

Larger Heading

Must be at the beginning of the line and followed by a space.

h3. Large Heading

Large Heading

Must be at the beginning of the line and followed by a space.

h4. Normal Heading

Normal Heading

Must be at the beginning of the line and followed by a space.

h5. Small Heading

Small Heading

Must be at the beginning of the line and followed by a space.

h6. Smaller Heading

Smaller Heading

Must be at the beginning of the line and followed by a space.

*Unordered list item

  • Unordered list item

Must be at the beginning of the line and followed by a space.

-Unordered list item

  • Unordered list item

Must be at the beginning of the line and followed by a space.

#Ordered list item

  1. Ordered list item

Must be at the beginning of the line and followed by a space.

*List item

**Nested list item

**Nested list item

*List item

  • List item
  • Nested list item
  • Nested list item
  • List item

List items may be nested by adding a *, -, or # for each level of nesting.

#List item

#*Nested list item

#*Nested list item

#List item

  1. List item
  • Nested list item
  • Nested list item
  1. List item

Lists may contain nested lists of various types.



Horizontal rules must be on their own line.







[link text|http://example.url

link text




Link to a PLL case



Link to an inspection



Link to a service request



Link to a work order

\*\_\+normal text\+\_\*

*_+normal text+_*

Escape special characters by preceding with a backslash (\)


Last updated 4/9/2019.

Copyright© 20102019 by Azteca Systems, LLC. All rights reserved.