Address Panel Fields

The address is the geographical location of the permit or application.

  • Asset Type: The category of the permit or application, such as land, structure, and so on.
  • Asset Id: This is a numeric identifier assigned to this specific asset.
  • Location: Click Select Assets from Map to the right of the Asset Type field to automatically geolocate the address of asset(s) selected on the map. This automatically loads location data from the asset(s) selected on the map.

NOTE: If the Location field on the Main panel is empty and a user adds a geolocated address in the Add Address panel, the Location field is populated on the Main panel when the case is saved.

  • Object ID(Parcel): The numeric identifier assigned to a piece of land in the geodatabase. Click Select Address from Land Tables to the right of the ObjectId field to open the Address Query panel. This allows you to find the Object ID associated with a specific address. For more information, see Add an Address.
  • New Address: This link provides access to Cityworks Land tables.
  • Address #: The number of the building, lot, residence, etc.
  • Direction: The directional prefix of the street (for example, N, NW, W, etc.).
  • Street Fraction: The numerical identifier of a street or alley, which is not separately addressed.
  • Street Name: The name of the street.
  • Street Type: The type of street, such as a road, circle, avenue, boulevard, and so on.
  • Street Postdir: The directional suffix of the street (for example, S, SE, E, etc.).
  • Suite: The number of the unit (such as an office or apartment) within a larger building or complex.
  • Cross Street: The name of the nearest intersecting street.
  • City: The city where the address is located.
  • State: Use State Lookup to the right of City, State to select the state where the address is located.
  • Zip: Use the Lookup icon to the right of Zip to select the zip code where the address is located.
  • Master: Select this check box to designate this address as the primary address for the site.
  • Update Case XY?: Select this check box to automatically update the case X and Y coordinates when adding or removing assets.


Last updated 4/9/2019.

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