Create a Related Child Case

Use the Create a Related Child Case icon to create a child case attached to the existing case.

  1. From the Main panel of the Summary page, click the Create a Related Child Case icon.

TIP: For a quick start guide on this subject, see Create a Child PLL Case on MyCityworks.

The Create New panel opens. At the bottom of the panel, there is an Existing Parent Case section that includes information from the parent case.

  1. Enter the information for the child case in the Create New section. For more information, see Create a Case.

  1. If the parent permit has multiple assets, select Case Per Parent Asset to create a separate child permit for each asset/address. Each child permit will have a single asset/address from the parent.
  1. Once you have entered the case information, click Create Case.

The child case is created and the case ID, case number, type, and status will appear at the bottom of the Main panel on the child case. The Link Type in the lower-right identifies the linked case as a Parent or Child link type for PLL cases and Related for service requests, work orders, and inspections.

NOTE: If the case information doesn't appear, you can use the Show related objects: Cases, Workorders, Requests icon. For more information, see View Related Objects.

  1. If you want to return to the parent case, click the Id of the case at the bottom of the panel.

The case ID, number, type, and status will appear at the bottom of the Main panel on the parent case. The Link Type in the lower-right identifies the linked case as a Parent or Child link type for PLL cases and Related for service requests, work orders, and inspections.

NOTE: Inspections can only be created from or linked to PLL cases in Respond. If an inspection has been linked to a case using Respond, that inspection is shown in the list of related work activities on the Main panel.

For an explanation of the Create New panel fields, see Create New Panel Fields.


Last updated 4/9/2019.

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